Member Directory


【経歴】2011年理学療法士免許取得 ▶︎ 街の基幹病院に勤めながら大学院の医学系研究科へ進学 ▶︎ 指導教官が足の外科医|自然と足部のリハビリ、靴・インソールなどが専門分野に ▶︎ 博士課程在籍中|運動器疾患の疫学、特に予防分野に興味があります。

"@context": "",
"@type": "Person",
"name": ["T Kato","Toshihiro Kato","加藤俊宏"],
"affiliation": "Suzuka Kaisei Hospital",
"alumniOf": "Mie University Graduate School/ Faculty of Medicine",
"award": ["Scholarship Award; The 22th Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine Tokai Regional Meeting","Excellence Award; The 12th Japanese Association for the Study of Musculoskeletal Pain","Grand Prize; The 7th Japanese Society of physical therapy for prevention congress 2020"],
"hasCredential": ["Physiotherapist license","Foot Care Trainer","Trainer of Japan Association of Athletics Federations","Trainer of Japan Rugby Football Union","Trainer of Mie Swimming Federation Diving Team"],
"honorificSuffix": "Master of Medical Science",
"description": "運動器理学療法士|修士(医科学)|フットケアトレーナー【経歴】2011年理学療法士免許取得 ▶︎ 街の基幹病院に勤めながら大学院の医学系研究科へ進学 ▶︎ 指導教官が足の外科医|自然と足部のリハビリ、靴・インソールなどが専門分野に ▶︎ 博士課程在籍中|運動器疾患の疫学、特に予防分野に興味があります。",
"sameAs": "",
"url": "",
"sponsor": {"@type": "Organization","name": "the Japanese Physical Therapy Association Research Grant in 2016"},
{"@type": "Organization","name": "Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine"},
{"@type": "Organization","name": "Japanese Association for the Study of Musculoskeletal Pain"},
{"@type": "Organization","name": "Japanese Society of physical therapy for prevention"},
{"@type": "Organization","name": "International taurine society"}]